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August 17: ScienceDirect Lunch-n-Learn with Kimberly Hill of ElsevierContributed by John Hickey on 08/08/06 What: ScienceDirect Lunch-n-Learn with Kimberly Hill of Elsevier
Are you trying to keep up with the latest articles published in your specific areas
of academic interest? ScienceDirect can be set up to keep track of your interest
areas and send you alerts about new articles -- that's just one of many nifty
features the product provides in addition to the wealth of content in 1,351
full-text journals plus reference books and more.
Think you already know all about ScienceDirect? Elsevier will be releasing the
all-new ScienceDirect interface around August 14, so this session couldn't be more
timely. |
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