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Kirk Swenson

Contributed by Todd Bowers on 08/17/06 

Kirk Swenson has accepted a new position at the University of Rochester.

Kirk will soon join the University of Rochester as assistant vice president for advancement, capital and special projects. Rochester is planning a major campaign, and offers Kirk a wonderful opportunity. His contributions here, first as Director of Campaign Planning, then as Campaign Director, have been important to the success of the College’s comprehensive campaign. Kirk has helped develop the structure and plan for this campaign, and his work with significant donors and prospective donors has been very successful.

Kirk will be departing with the campaign well-positioned and in excellent shape. Kirk’s last day will be September 1st. We thank him for all he has done, and wish him all the best in his new position.

Kirk Swenson | 1 Comments |
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Kirk Swenson Comment from daetsch on 08/22/06
Congratulations and best wishes, Kirk. It's been fun getting to know you and working with you! - Willard