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A paper co-authored by Michael Haaf and Ithaca College undergraduate Meredith Cummings was published in the most recent issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, a leading, peer-reviewed chemistry journal. The paper, entitled "Rapid Self-Assembly of Core-Shell Organosilicon Microcapsules within a Microfluidic Device," represents a collaboration between the chemistry department at Ithaca College and Professor D. Tyler McQuade's research group at Cornell University. The full reference is: Steinbacher, J. L.; Moy, R. W. Y.; Price, K. E.; Cummings, M. A.; Roychowdhury, C.; Buffy, J. J.; Olbricht, W. L.; Haaf, M.; McQuade, D. T. /J. Am. Chem. Soc./ *2006*,/128/, 9442-9447. (Follow this link to read the paper:

Michael Haaf and IC undergraduate Meredith Cummings (Chemistry Department) publish paper | 0 Comments |
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