The following announcement has been prepared by Peter Bardaglio, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Brian McAree, Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life.
Over the past few years, the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and Campus Life have been working closely to maximize student learning, improve student engagement on campus, and increase student retention. In particular, there has been a special focus on insuring that the experience for our First Year students emphasizes both intellectual and personal development inside and outside of the classroom.
In order to continue to achieve our goals, and insure collaboration between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and Campus Life and effective implementation of innovative ideas, we have utilized existing resources to create a reorganization which will strengthen our connections and support students in a meaningful way. The reorganization will also provide integrated direction to First Year Programs and Orientation, Multicultural Affairs, and the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement and promotes the interaction of the diverse student populations these offices serve. The reorganization also enhances student access to academic support services and the coordination of these services.
Please refer to for more information regarding the organizational changes which are being implemented beginning with the 2006-2007 academic year.