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Lets get things started! There's no better place than the Wellness Clinic for faculty and staff to work out!!

The Wellness Clinic staff is back and we're raring to go! We'll be opening on the first day of classes, Wednesday, August 30.

The Wellness Clinic is specifically available to all faculty, staff, and their spouses. From individualized exercise programs designed by our personal trainers to our group exercise classes, there's something for everyone.

Interested in more information? Check our website, come to the clinic for a tour, or give us a call at 274-1301.

Now's the time to step up your exercise! Give the Wellness Clinic a call today!

The Wellness Clinic: Faculty and Staff's Place to Work Out | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
The Wellness Clinic: Faculty and Staff's Place to Work Out Comment from cohen on 08/31/06
Just a caveat about the statement that "there is something for everyone" at the Wellness Clinic. Diabetics and hypertensives are not eligible to use the Clinic's facilities and services.