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iMPrint Magazine: College Life’s Internet Magazine, founded in 2004 at Ithaca College, has been honored for its quality and design by two separate organizations.

The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) named iMPrint Best Online College Magazine, awarding the publication first place in its annual AEJMC Magazine Division competition.

Judge Laura Bronson, editor of award-winning, praised iMPrint for its features, design and functionality.

“While many of the entries in the Online Magazine category mix together words, images, video, audio to take advantage of the Web’s capabilities, iMPrint Magazine from Ithaca
College uses the medium most effectively,” Bronson said. “That it was created as an online magazine and isn’t a print magazine that’s simply been repurposed for the web is evident in the site’s architecture and functionality.”

The magazine topped last year’s winner, The Devil’s Tale based out of Arizona State University, which took second place.

iMPrint Magazine was also awarded first place in the International Student Media Festival, sponsored by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The yearly competition recognizes and celebrates outstanding student media.

Both awards are testament to the hard work and dedication of the magazine’s staff of editors and writers, who give many hours each month to produce the web’s best online college magazine, as well as the magazine’s adviser, Kim Gregson, of Ithaca College’s Television and Radio Department.

A new publishing year for iMPrint begins in September, featuring additions such as user-created photos and new stories told through multiple mediums.

iMPrint Magazine Wins Two Prestigious Awards | 0 Comments |
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