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GLOBAL FURY/GLOBAL FEAR: ENGAGING MUSLIMS, Discussion series being hosted by the Center for the Study of
Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies

September 19, 2006
Peter Mandaville, George Mason University: "Critical Islam and Muslim Experience in the West:
Comparative Reflections on the UK and USA." (IC Faculty Respondent: Patty Zimmermann)
Emerson Suites, 7 pm

October 2, 2006
Beyond CNN: Indy Media Interventions, New Visual Imaginaries and the Iraq War
(A Series of Films curated by Patty Zimmermann)
Park Auditorium, 7 pm

October 23, 2006
Margot Badran, Georgetown University, "Feminism Beyond East and West: New Gender Talk and Practice in
Global Islam" (IC Faculty Respondent: Asma Barlas)
Klingenstein Lounge, 7 pm

November 8, 2006
Sulayman Nyang, Howard University: "Post 9/11: Muslim-Christian Relations at a Crossroads" (IC Faculty
Respondent: Naeem Inayatullah)
Klingenstein Lounge, 7 pm

December 6, 2006
Deepa Kumar, Rutgers University, "Ports, Cartoons, and Nukes: Islamophobia and US Imperialism in the New
Millennium" (IC Faculty Respondent: Zillah Eisenstein)
Klingenstein Lounge, 7 pm

Light refreshments will be served!

CSCRE Lecture Series: Global Fury/Global Fear: Engaging Muslims | 0 Comments |
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