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Don’t forget to mark your calendars! Dr. Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran and this year’s First-Year Experience guest speaker,will give her public presentation on Tuesday, September 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites.

In keeping with the First-Year Experience theme, Crossing Boundaries, Dr. Nafisi will speak on the transformative power of the literary imagination. Immediately following the presentation, Dr. Nafisi will sign copies of Reading Lolita in Tehran. Copies are available in the Ithaca College Book Store for your convenience or you may purchase a copy at the event. This event is free and open to the public. We hope to see you there.

Dr. Azar Nafisi, 2006 First-Year Reading Initiative Guest Speaker | 1 Comments |
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Dr. Azar Nafisi, 2006 First-Year Reading Initiative Guest Speaker Comment from jhickey on 08/31/06
Reading Lolita in Tehran is also available to the College community from the Ebrary database. You can "read" it on your computer, highlight "your" copy, look up vocabulary and places. Hint: works best in Internet Explorer. Here's the direct link: