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The intersection at Gym & Tower roads (at the football stadium) has been re-worked and is now a three (3) way stop.

The new stop sign is on Gym road as you are coming out of G lot toward the intersection. Be aware of pedestrians in the crosswalks. State law requires that you must come to a complete stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Be Safe.....

New Configuration of the Intersection at Gym and Tower Roads, at the Football Stadium | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
New Configuration of the Intersection at Gym and Tower Roads, at the Football Stadium Comment from mantale1 on 08/31/06
It's about time! Can't tell you how many near collisions there were during my four years at IC... Matt Antalek '06
New Configuration of the Intersection at Gym and Tower Roads, at the Football Stadium Comment from esmith on 08/31/06
Thanks for the improvements noted at the Gym/Tower Road intersection – more importantly, however, is that Ms. Tavelli has correctly stated the NYS law regarding pedestrians at marked intersections. Please note that the law also states that vehicles must remained stopped until pedestrians have exited the crosswalk. Unfortunately, the existing signage on campus erroneously states that vehicles must yield to pedestrians. Here’s hoping that the next (much needed) safety improvement on this campus is correcting the confusing/misleading/wrong pedestrian crosswalk signs.
Liz Smith.
New Configuration of the Intersection at Gym and Tower Roads, at the Football Stadium Comment from haase on 08/31/06
Although this new configuration is a step in the right direction, what is really needed to make that wide-open intersection safer for everyone is for it to be made into a 4-way stop. Yesterday (Wed., 8/30), while approaching the intersection on my walk during the noon hour, I witnessed a near-collision between a vehicle that had come downhill from the towers and proceeded forward (after having stopped at the sign), and a vehicle that was coming up the road at a pretty good clip from the main entrance. The new stop sign on Gym road is a great addition, but it wasn’t helpful in this case. Also, it takes pedestrians a bit longer to get across because the intersection is so broad — and many people do cross there. A four-way stop would slow traffic down in all directions.