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Beth Pallo (Environmental Science ’06 with Chemistry concentration) and Akiko Fillinger (Assistant Professor of Chemistry) presented their poster on an interdisciplinary project titled, “Multi-faced Evaluation of Sustainable Landscaping on a College Campus” at the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology at Houston, TX, on August 19-22, 2006. This project aims to increase sustainability on our College’s landscaping practice by moving from tradition mono-crop lawns to a mixture that includes grasslands and wildflowers. ( We will monitor soil chemistry, biodiversity, economics of lawn vs. non-lawn landscaping, and attitudes of the college community. Beth’s poster presentation was well received by many environmental scientists and engineers from all over the world.

The coauthors of this poster are René Borgella (Assistant Professor of Biology), Julian Euell (Associate Professor of Sociology), Fahri Unsal (Professor of Business) of Ithaca College. Professor Fillinger also served as a chair of the session, “Society and the Environment” and shared the information of the sustainability movement on Ithaca College campus, Eco Village, etc. with her audience.

First Environmental Science Major Beth Pallo with Chemistry Concentration Presents Poster at International Conference | 0 Comments |
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