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Farewell to Graham Stewart

Contributed by Shelley Semmler on 08/31/06 

Graham will join the University at Buffalo as associate vice president for alumni relations.

It is with a combination of pride and sadness that I announce that Graham Stewart has accepted a new position. Graham will join the University at Buffalo as associate vice president for alumni relations. His last day on campus will be September 22. He begins his new job on October 2.

The position at UB represents a terrific professional opportunity for Graham. He has shown his enthusiasm for alumni relations through his work at Ithaca College, and with CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) as a nationally recognized speaker and advocate for the profession.

Graham has served the College for over thirteen years, as music admissions coordinator in the School of Music and, for the past seven years, as director of alumni relations. During his tenure in alumni relations the College has significantly expanded its outreach to a growing alumni body with a range of opportunities for our graduates to connect with us and each other. Most notably, he has overseen the implementation of our on-line community, helped to strengthen our alumni association board, and paid careful attention to increasing the quality and quantity of alumni events and activities throughout the country.

Please join me in wishing Graham the best as he makes the move to Buffalo. Knowing Graham and his love of Ithaca College, he will not be a stranger and he has said he will do all he can to assist the College in its future plans.

Farewell to Graham Stewart | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Farewell to Graham Stewart Comment from mgarland on 09/04/06
Congratulations, Graham, on your wonderful new position! You will surely be missed, but I wish you all the best. Thanks for all all you've given OCLD/CMD over the years in helping us build a strong alumni network.
Farewell to Graham Stewart Comment from warren on 09/04/06
Talk about a great guy of good cheer who literally whistles while he works, Graham will be missed. Best of luck.
Warren Schlesinger
Farewell to Graham Stewart Comment from ashuhan on 09/04/06
Congratulations and best of luck to you, Graham! You'll be missed!
Alex Shuhan
Farewell to Graham Stewart Comment from lchambers on 09/05/06
Graham has always been great to work with - we had lots of fun working together trying to make it happen to bring students to the Music School when he was there, and though I didn't get to work with him much while he was in Alumni Relations I know he did a fantastic job there. Best to you, Graham!