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LeaderQuest is a leadership development program designed for first year students interested in exploring their leadership potential and meeting fellow students. In this program, you will explore the topic of leadership in an interactive, engaging environment.

LeaderQuest begins on Saturday, September 9 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the North Meeting Room (3rd floor of the Campus Center). It is designed around three primary goals:

* learning about leadership from a personal perspective (Consciousness of Self
* meeting and building a network of fellow student leaders
* taking an active role in a project concerning poverty in Tompkins County

If you considered yourself a leader in high school or want to explore your leadership potential, continue your leadership journey with LeaderQuest. You do not need to have previously held a titled leadership position in order to participate.

How do I sign up for LeaderQuest?
Send an e-mail to with “LeaderQuest Sign-up” in the subject line. Please include your full name and telephone number. The deadline to sign up for LeaderQuest is Thursday, September 7, 2006.

If you absolutely can not get to the initial meeting on Saturday, you may attend the follow-up meeting on Monday, September 11; indicate in your sign-up email that you can not attend on Saturday and you will be emailed the time and location.

Why should I be involved?
This guided leadership development program allows you to explore your leadership potential and begin your co-curricular involvement at Ithaca College. LeaderQuest helps you build a foundation of leadership capabilities and understandings that you’ll use during your four years at Ithaca College. LeaderQuest is also an opportunity to develop a network of peers and to make new friends.

If you have additional questions, please contact Kelly Stevens in the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement via email at or call the Center at 274-3222.

First Year Students: Begin Your Journey with LeaderQuest | 0 Comments |
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