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Library copy checked out? No money to buy your own copy? Don't give up, read on.

Dr. Azar Nafisi, noted author, will be speaking at the College this Tuesday. For a preview, see Prof. Barb Adams' interview with her in the Ithaca Journal

Her outstanding book Reading Lolita in Tehran is available to the College community as an electronic book, in the ebrary database which the College Library provides. You can get access to it on a computer, "read" it, highlight it, etc.

Here's a direct link:

Hint: If you want her autograph after you attend her talk Tuesday the 5th, 7 pm in the Emerson Suites, & you can't buy the book, you could print the title page from ebrary & ask her to autograph it.

No Excuse for Not Reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran" | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
No Excuse for Not Reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran" Comment from jhickey on 09/01/06
Additional hints: The ebrary database requires downloading their reader plugin the first time you use it. IF you use the Internet Explorer browser, the download option is immediately visible when you try to "read" the book, and the steps are easier to follow.
If you have any problems, check the Library's troubleshooting page: