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Friday, September 29, 2006
7:15 p.m. Cinemapolis Theater, Downtown Ithaca
Live Music, Silent Film

SPEEDY (starring Harold Lloyd, 1928, USA) with a new live musical interpretation by the Swing Gypsys

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2007
Gala Preview and Benefit for the Ithaca Free Clinic

Friday, September 29, 2006
7:15 p.m. Cinemapolis Theater, Downtown Ithaca
Live Music, Silent Film

SPEEDY (starring Harold Lloyd, 1928, USA) with a new live musical interpretation by the Swing Gypsys

Recently restored, rarely screened, SPEEDY features Harold Lloyd, one of the top three silent film comediens, in a madcap narrative comedy about New York City, transportation wars, baseball, and Coney Island.

The Swing Gypsys will premiere their musical score for SPEEDY, featuring virtuoso improvisations inspired by Django Reinhardt-style gypsy swing jazz for double bass, guitars and violin. The Swing Gypsys includes guitarists David Moulthrop (I.C. School of Music Alum 2004) and Camilo Nascimento, violinist Joseph Prusch (I.C. School of Music Student), and double bassist Akiko Nishimura (I.C. Alum 2004).

Price: $15.00
Advance Tickets go on sale September 5 at Cinemapolis and Fall Creek Theaters and the Ithaca Free Clinic.

On campus, contact festival directors Tom Shevory ( or Patty Zimmermann ( directly to reserve your tickets.

After Gathering at Korova on the Commons.

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2007 Gala Preview and Benefit | 0 Comments |
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