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Ithaca College is participating in a theatre festival sponsored by the Cornell Hispanic Theatre Troupe Teatrotaller. Be a part of it!
Seeking: Actors, Set Designers, Costume Designers, Makeup Artists, Musicians, Etc...

We will perform “Papá querido”
by Aída Bortnik

Copies of the play are available outside Muller 409. Come and audition for a part on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 7pm, Friends 210. You will be asked to read an excerpt from the play.
If you’d like to have a non-acting role in the performance (Spanish proficiency desired but not necessary), please contact Professors Gladys Varona-Lacey: and/or Annette Levine

Tues. Sept. 12th, 7pm – Friends 210

Come Audition for a Play in Spanish | 0 Comments |
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