The Divsion of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions is now accepting course proposals for the 2007 Winter Session. Faculty members are invited to propose courses that will enable students to "catch-up, make-up, or get ahead" or that will give departments an opportunity to meet select curricular needs.
The dates for the 2007 winter session are January 8 through 19 (the two weeks prior to the start of the spring semester). Courses can be offered on-campus (classroom), online, and on an individualized basis. On-campus classroom courses will meet 8:30 a.m. to 12:40 p.m., Monday through Friday. (No classes will be held on Monday, January 15, MLK Day.) Online courses can start earlier under certain circumstances. (Contact Rob Gearhart to discuss this possibility. See below.) Individualized courses (i.e., independent studies and fieldwork experiences) meet on a by-arrangement basis as determined by the faculty member and student(s).
Students have expressed increased interest in online courses that they can complete from home during the winter break. Thus, faculty members are encouraged to consider offering one of their courses online during this timeframe. If interested, contact Rob Gearhart, Director of Online Learning, Certificate and Professional Program (274-1909), or
Faculty compensation for winter session instruction is the same as for the prior summer. Please refer to the 2006 Faculty Member’s Guide for Summer Employment at and click on Faculty Member’s Guide for specifics.
Courses proposals should be submitted to department heads and deans for approval. The various deans’ offices are responsible for submitting approved course proposal forms for undergraduate courses, and graduate chairs should submit proposals for graduate-level courses. Course proposal forms are due in the continuing education office by September 22; therefore, course proposals should be submitted to dean’s office/graduate chair at least one week prior.
Questions and inquiries should be addressed to Kim Milling, Director, Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, 607-274-3143,