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Come to Spirit Rally 2010!

Learn the Ithaca College alma mater and fight song, hear the Ithaca College story and officially add your name to your class banner.

Each participant will receive an Ithaca College Alumni Association polycarb water bottle, AND be entered in a drawing to win IC memorabilia, iTunes gift cards - even an iPod Video!

SPIRIT RALLY 2010 will be held on Thursday, September 14, 2006 in the Emerson Suites, Campus Center, at the following times:

7:00-8:00 pm if you live in: Boothroyd, Rowland, Tallcott, Hilliard, Holmes, Hood, East Tower, West Tower

9:00-10:00 pm if you live in: Landon, Bogart, Lyon, Clark, Eastman, Terraces 1-12, Emerson Hall

You must be present to win, so plan to join us for some fun at SPIRIT RALLY 2010!

Attention Class of 2010: Chance to win an iPod Video! | 0 Comments |
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