Celebrate You! You are invited to join other Ithaca College students at the 5th annual Cross Cultural Leadership Retreat on November 3-5, 2006. Presented by the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement and the Office of Multicultural Affairs, this 2 ˝ day retreat presents the opportunity to explore various aspects of diversity and their relationship to leadership.
During the retreat, the entire group will participate in a series of educational sessions and discuss issues as a large group, as well as in smaller, informal conversations. The retreat is held off-campus. Transportation, meals, lodging and participant materials are provided at no cost to you. Participants will depart from the IC campus on Friday morning, November 3 and return Sunday afternoon.
Interested students should complete the application and submit it by Sunday, October 1, 2006 to be considered for participation. Applications are available online at www.ithaca.edu/csli. Please understand that we are seeking students from a multitude of cultural backgrounds and that this program is open to all Ithaca College students regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, socio-economic status, and physical or learning ability. As one past participant noted last year, “Everyone has a cultural identity. At first, I wondered why some people were chosen. I soon understood.”
Past participants have had very positive experiences and have expressed how much they gained, including new friendships, through their participation. Following are just a few of their comments:
“This program and the way it was put together are amazing and it is a learning experience I will always value.”
“The best experience in my life.”
“I look forward to maintaining the bonds I have with people when I go back to IC.”
“The people have meant a lot to me – learning from them was the best aspect of it.”
If you have additional questions, call 274-3222, email leadership@ithaca.edu, or go to www.ithaca.edu/csli.