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You're invited to help Ithaca College select a campus-wide, fully-supported student polling system. This fall Ithaca College is reviewing four types of student polling devices to select the best device for campus-wide support.

The selected device will be fully supported by ITS and transmitters will be sold to students through the Bookstore. Student polling devices are hand-held devices much like a TV remote control where students respond to multiple-choice questions. Their responses are recorded by the faculty member's computer and displayed as a histogram (If you've seen "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" you've seen these devices in action).

There are many ways of using this teaching technology to enhance student learning. One strength of this technology is allowing you to know what your students are thinking during your class so that you can focus your time on areas where they are struggling. Answers are anonymous to other students, which allows all students to participate in a comfortable environment.

Approximately 1,000 students are using polling devices on the Ithaca College campus each semester. Will Crisp (ITS) and Michael Rogers (Physics) have identified five different systems currently in use. This variety of systems is very difficult for ITS and the Bookstore to support. In a collaborative effort between faculty, ITS, and the Bookstore that was initiated by faculty, we are moving towards the selection of a single, fully-supported system. You can still use your favorite system, but you will need to provide your own support.

Please attend as many of the following demonstration sessions as possible to learn about what each system can do. One of the main deciding factors for the system selected will be based strongly on the opinions expressed by faculty at these sessions. All demonstrations will be from 12:10 to 1:00 pm on the Thursday's listed below in CNS 208.

The schedule is as follows:

Sept. 21st, Bill Naab presents Interwrite
Sept. 28th, Darren Ward presents eInstruction
Oct. 12th, David Matarese presents Turning Point
Oct. 26th, John Appelgate presents Quizdom

Invitation to Help Select a Campus-wide Student Polling System | 0 Comments |
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