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Phil Huber, the Audio Visual Services Coordinator in the Office of Conference and Event Services will be leaving Ithaca College on October 12, 2006 for a new position.

Pending the conclusion of a search process, all Audio Visual Services provided by the C&ES Office will be by our student technicians, and only the standard services will be available.

Conference and Event Services
A/V Production Service Standards

For scheduling purposes, all standard services need to be made a minimum of 7 business days prior to your event.

Current Conference and Event Services student Audio Visual Production Technicians have been trained to professionally and consistently provide the following services:

1. Projection with full audio support for Power point*, ½” VHS, and DVD, as well as other equipment supplied by client.
*Technicians are not trained to trouble shoot software and/or hardware
problems with laptop computers.

2. House sound support in the Emerson Suites, Clark, and Klingenstein Lounges including up to 4 microphones.

3. House sound support in the IC Square including up to 4 microphones, 2 monitors, and 1 CD player.

4. Event sound support using portable sound systems and including up to 4 microphones and 1 CD player (at least two weeks notice is required for this service).

5. Stage wash lighting in the Emerson Suites and non-colored stage wash in the IC Square.

6. Colored dance floor lighting in the Emerson Suites and IC Square.

All services are dependant on the availability of staff, and the existing equipment inventory. Other services that were available in the past with consultation from the Production Services Coordinator will not be available pending the conclusion of a search process.

Please contact the Office of Conference and Event Services (x3313) with any questions regarding audio visual production services.

Audio Visual Standard Services and Important Announcement | 0 Comments |
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