“We all know that one PERSON can change the world –
but what can one college do?”
ONE person can make a difference.
ONE college can come together.
ONE issue can become history.
This year Ithaca College will be encouraging our campus community to get involved in a variety of service opportunities and educational programs that will address the issue of poverty – at the local, national, and global level. Many options to participate will be available – ranging from volunteer opportunities, educational programs, service trips, and academic work – to address the issue of poverty.
In a recent report from the Core Experience Task Force, the group listed “Social and Environmental Responsibility” as an essential attribute of an Ithaca College graduate. Such responsibility includes the ability to understand, appreciate, and think critically about cultural complexity, sustainability, and diversity and the development of a global perspective. Through the Poverty Challenge – we are encouraging students, faculty, and staff to think about what they can do to affect not only the effects of poverty, but the root causes as well.
Watch intercom for more information on how you can register to be a part of the Poverty Challenge.
Participate in your first Poverty Challenge event by donating food or personal items to the United Way Day of Caring Drive.
The last day for collection is Wednesday, September 20th.
See this intercom post for a more detailed list of items requested - https://www.ithaca.edu/intercom/article.php/20060906151706227
Each person who participates in three or more events related to the Poverty Challenge will be recognized at the annual Celebration of Service in April.