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2008 Class Council Meetings

Contributed by Lynne Pierce on 09/19/06 

On behalf of the 2008 Class Council executive board we would like to invite all members of the junior class to our first official meeting.

For those of you who aren't quite sure what the class council is, we exist to promote and foster a sense of community in the Ithaca College Class of 2008 by providing activities and class wide events that are open to all members of the class. So, if this sounds like something you would like to become involved in please attend our first meeting, Monday, September 25, at 7:30 p.m. in Friends 205. If you can not make the meeting but would still like to be involved please contact one of the officers.

Tiffany Casale - President -
Sam Appell - Vice President -
Shayna Margolis - Secretary -
Andrew England - Treasurer -

We are all really excited to plan some really amazing events for the junior class in preparation for our senior year. We hope to see you there!!!

Tiffany Casale
President 2008 Class Council

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