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If you're new to the Ithaca campus this semester, you may have heard about an excellent Career Services resource called, eRecruiting. eRecruiting is Ithaca College's online job and internship site!

We are pleased to announce that new student accounts have been created in this system and can now be accessed. With eRecruiting you can:

  • Search for job and internship opportunities (of which there are several thousand).

  • Upload resumes and cover letters.

  • Create a user profile so that employers can find you.

  • Apply for job and internship opportunities electronically.

  • Have your resume available to employers through the resume book feature.

  • View upcoming Career related events.

eRecruiting is provided free of chargeand can be accessed at:
To log in, use your complete Ithaca e-mail address as your username and your I.D. number as your password.

Career Services wishes you all the best in the year ahead and we look forward to meeting you!

Career Services Announces: New Student eRecruiting Accounts Have Been Created | 0 Comments |
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