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Read articles on diversity issues in teaching, "clickers," stress and learning-centered teaching, brain research, and implications for academics of the bestseller "Blink." The link is

Since the Provost's Office has purchased a site license to this important publication, managed through the Library, we all have access to the National Teaching and Learning Forum Online. This valuable newsletter includes brief, lively, research-based articles. Our site license includes all back issues and additional resources including podcasts.

For more about NTLF, see the Center for Faculty Excellence at

You can access the NTLF from any campus computer: click NTLFO Login on the front page to access the subscription materials. From off-campus, you need to use the library catalog to search for National Teaching... or NTLF and sign in with your email username and password.

Please pass along any comments to Susanne Morgan,

National Teaching & Learning Forum Online: New Issue! | 0 Comments |
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