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Persis Drell, Professor of Physics at Stanford University and Deputy Director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center comes to Ithaca College on Tuesday, September 26th to speak about recent developments in particle physics and cosmology in a talk entitled: "The Quantum Universe."

  • Tuesday, September 26
  • 12:05 pm
  • CNS 204
  • Open to the public
  • Refreshments will be provided
  • This talk is supported by the Department of Physics Seminar Series.

    The Quantum Universe

    Throughout human history, scientific theories and experiments of increasing power and sophistication have addressed basic questions about the universe such as: What is the nature of the universe? What are matter, energy, space and time? How did we get here, and where are we going? Modern data and ideas are challenging long held beliefs as recent experiments have shown us that most of the universe is made of forms of matter and energy unlike anything we see around us on earth. Dr. Drell will discuss the revolution underway in the field of particle physics and the quest to explain the universe in terms of the quantum physics which governs the behavior of the microscopic, subatomic world. She will describe new opportunities that have emerged for discovering the fundamental nature of the "Quantum Universe" that we never expected.

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