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Faculty are invited to teach a mini-course as part of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, March 26-April 2, 2007

Call for FLEFF Mini-Courses

Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF)
Spring 2007
March 26 – April 2, 2007

Ithaca College faculty are invited to submit proposals for one credit mini-courses to run in conjunction with the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival. The courses should take advantage of the Festival screenings but may begin before the Festival commences.

Faculty whose proposals are accepted will receive a one credit overload contract and will receive a Festival pass. In addition mini-course faculty will be invited to meet visiting artists and speakers, attend post screening events and parties with Festival sponsors and organizers, and to meet with FLEFF Fellows.

Courses that connect students with Festival screenings, especially downtown screenings, in interesting and innovative ways are preferred. Last year mini-courses from all five schools ranged from those that engaged students “in discussion and debate around the connections between health, disease, politics, art, and diversity” to a course that sought to “examine the philosophic, sociological and artistic issues surrounding the transmission and assimilation of cultures….”

Interested faculty are encouraged to visit the FLEFF website to view this year’s content streams: Maps and Memes, Metropoli, Panic Attacks and Soundscaping, and to view last year’s program and mini-courses,

Faculty from all disciplines are encouraged to contact Warren Schlesinger, associate professor in the School of Business, by October 15 for additional information or to submit a one page proposal. Warren is serving as mini-course coordinator ( or 274-3951).

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