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Goldwater Scholarship Deadline

Contributed by Lynn Tordella on 09/26/06 

Goldwater Scholarship Program in the Sciences Announces 2006-2007 Deadline.

Established by Congress in 1986, the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program provides opportunities for outstanding U.S. students with excellent academic records and demonstrated interest in, and potential for, careers in these fields. To be eligible, a student must be a current full-time sophomore or junior and must be pursuing a baccalaureate degree, have a B average or equivalent, stand in the upper fourth of the class, and be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or U.S. national, who will pursue basic research in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering. The scholarship award covers eligible expenses up to a maximum of $7,500 per year. Junior scholarship recipients can expect to receive a maximum of two years of support. Senior scholarship recipients are eligible for a maximum of one year of support.

Interested sophomores and juniors should contact Stacia Zabusky, Interim Assistant Dean, School of Humanities and Sciences, and make an appointment to discuss the nomination process. Expressions of intent must be made by December 1, 2006, with completed applications submitted by January 17, 2007.

To make an appointment with Dean Zabusky, contact Lynn Tordella, 274-3409,

For more information on the Scholarship Program, go to

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