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The National Office of Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Honorary has announced the winners of the 2006 National Scholar Competition. Only five $1,000 undergraduate scholarships were awarded nationwide; two $500 scholarships were also awarded. Three of five $1,000 National Scholars and one of two additional $500 scholars were from Ithaca College!!

Kudos to National Scholars Michael Potter, '07 (Television-Radio, Computer Information Systems, & Business Administration), Kristen Leising, '07 (OCLD), and Cem Unsal, '07 (Business Administration). Kudos to Constance Ames, '08 (Accounting) who won an additional scholarship. All were selected for their academic excellence, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, and contributions to our award-winning IC chapter of SIE. Congratulations!!

4 Students Named Sigma Iota Epsilon National Scholars | 0 Comments |
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