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This week in Rec Sports

Contributed by Sarah Hawkins on 09/27/06 

Find out what is going on this week in Rec Sports

Monday October 2, 2006:
Women's club lacrosse scrimmage at Cornell @ 5:15pm.

Thursday October 5, 2006:
Tae Kwon Do Pizza-Taste-Off and Break-a-Thon at Free Speech Rock @ 12:00-3:00pm.
Ski Club Organizational meeting at Textor 101 @ 7:00pm.

Friday October 6, 2006:
Men's Ice Hockey @ Syracuse 6:00pm.

Saturday October 7, 2006:
Women's Rugby vs. Buffalo at Allen Field @ 11:00am.
Women's club soccer vs. Buffalo at Terrace Field @1:00pm.
Women's club field hockey vs. Buffalo at Yavits Extension @ 2:00pm.
Men's ice hockey vs. UofR at Lynah Rink @ 6:00pm.

Sunday October 8, 2006:
Women's Club Soccer Tournament at Terrace and Upper Allen Fields.
Women's Lacrosse @ Binghamton.

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