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I am pleased to announce two staff changes that will help ease us through the public phase of the "Campaign for Ithaca College: Making a World of Difference."

With the official launch of the “Campaign for Ithaca College: Making a World of Difference” less than two weeks away, I am pleased to announce two staff changes that will help ease us through the intense public phase of this effort.

Marsha Eger ’70 will take on the direct responsibility for the alumni relations office in addition to the annual fund under the new title of executive director of alumni programs. Marsha most recently served as vice president of community relations and development for Cayuga Medical Center before joining the College as director of the Ithaca Fund in March 2004. Craig Evans ’84 has been appointed associate vice president with continued responsibility for individual and planned giving, enhanced campaign-related duties, and alumni relations. Previously Craig was director of individual giving at the College and has served on the executive committee and as president of the Friends of Ithaca College. Prior to working on campus Craig had extensive experience as a public school administrator in Ithaca and Florida.

Their combined talents will help us through a period of transition as we work to bring the campaign to a successful conclusion. I know you join me in wishing Marsha and Craig congratulations on their new roles.

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