Have you registered to vote for the 2006 elections? If not, your voice will not be counted.
The registration deadline for the November 7 General Election is Friday, October 13. If you haven’t registered, it’s not too late! On Tuesday, October 3, look for voter registration forms and information at the SGA table in the campus center or pick up voter registration materials at the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement in 319 Egbert Hall or the Vice President or Student Affairs and Campus Life Office in 390 Egbert Hall.
To be eligible to register you must:
• Be a US Citizen
• Be 18 years old by the date of the election in which you want to vote
• Not claim the right to vote elsewhere
• Provide identification when you register. Identification means a verifiable New York State Driver’s license number. ONLY IF you do not have a NYS Driver’s license, then you can provide the last four digits of your social security number, as requested on the registration form. If you register by mail, you must provide a copy of ID; otherwise you will be asked for your ID when you vote.
Register in Ithaca, register at home – it doesn’t matter. But make sure your vote counts!
Remember: “Lower voter participation is a silent threat to our democracy...It under-represents young people, the poor, the disabled, those with little education, minorities and you and me." Nancy Neuman, Editor