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On Friday, October 6, 2006 the Career City Coffee Cafe will take over IC Square. The event begins at 7:00p.m., and will feature a concert by Adam Day.

Career City Coffee Cafe is a great opportunity for students to have fun and get career development information. Topics such as resumes, cover letters, graduate school selection process, and other helpful career development tips will be discussed.

Students will also have the opportunity to win door prizes such as palm pilots and Ithaca College apparel. Two lucky grand prize winners will receive a $250.00 gift certificate to Carousel Mall to purchase an job interview outfit.

Career City Coffee Cafe is a collaborative effort between Career Services; IC After Dark; and Sodexho and is open to everyone in the I.C. community!

For more information, please contact Robert Earl at:

Career Services, IC After Dark and Sodexo Present: The Career City Coffee Café! | 0 Comments |
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