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Installation of a new sanitary sewer main across Prospect Street at the intersection of South Aurora Street.

Received September 29, 2006


For additional information contact:
Erik Whitney, Ray King, or Dave Hunt
DPW, Water & Sewer Division


PROJECT NAME: Continuation –Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Project 2006

PROJECT LOCATION: South Aurora Street at the intersection of Prospect Street.

PROJECT TYPE: Water & Sewer

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sanitary sewer main construction along route of sidewalk on west side of South Aurora Street up the hill across the intersection of Prospect Street.

PROJECT GOAL: Installation of a new sanitary sewer main across Prospect Street at the intersection of South Aurora Street.

Monday, September 25th, 7:00 AM

Friday, September 29th Tuesday October 3rd - Sanitary Sewer Main complete across Prospect Street at the intersection of South Aurora Street.

For a one-week period of time, between Monday September 25th & Friday September 29th, Tuesday October 3rd Prospect Street will be closed to thru traffic. Local Traffic & Emergency Access from the west end (Clinton Street end) of Prospect Street.

East bound traffic on East Clinton Street headed for South Aurora Street via Prospect Street to turn north (left) on South Cayuga Street, then east (right) on East Green Street, then west (left) on East State Street, then south (left) back onto South Aurora Street. Detour Signs will be posted.

Traffic on South Aurora Street headed to go west on Prospect Street to continue/go north (towards down town) on South Aurora Street, then west (left) on East Seneca Street, then south (left) on North Cayuga Street, continue south three blocks to the intersection of Clinton Street. Detour Signs will be posted.

PROJECT IS: Delays due to rock excavation and concrete availability schedule.



Aurora Street Sanitary Sewer Construction Project 2006 | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Aurora Street Sanitary Sewer Construction Project 2006 Comment from credfie1 on 10/02/06
Of course they are behind schedule and it only adds to my complete frustration with the town of Ithaca. Living on Pleasant St. has been horrible so far this semester due to the construction on Turner Pl. now it takes an additional 15 minutes to get home from anywhere with the detours, not to mention all the extra traffic on, as the DPW person I spoke with stated, the worst hill in Ithaca(Pleasant St.). It makes me wonder why these projects were started in September rather than July or August but with caution, I hope to not see anymore accidents on the street.