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The School of Business attains its first ever profile in Princeton Review's "Best 282 Business Schools."

Susan West Engelkemeyer, Dean of the School of Business, is pleased to announce that the School of Business has attained its first ever profile in Princeton Review's "Best 282 Business Schools." The school is ranked #6 in “Best Administered,” which is based on student assessment of how smoothly the school is run, and the ease with which students can get into required and popular courses. States Dean Engelkemeyer, “Our ranking of #6 in ‘Best Administered’ is a tribute to Dr. Donald Eckrich, our MBA Program Director, and Wendy Fonder, our Assessment and Programs Specialist, both of whom have worked hard to systematically identify and address student concerns. Our faculty, as well, have implemented a comprehensive learning outcomes assessment system which ensures that our students possess the knowledge and skills that we have identified in our mission.”

School of Business Receives High Ranking from The Princeton Review | 0 Comments |
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