This past April, President Williams and all the Vice-Presidents, announced a policy implementing temperature set points for all campus buildings.
These set points are in keeping with the college's commitment to sustainability and maintaining a tradition of environmental and fiscal responsibility that help advance our educational mission.
As colder weather arrives and the heating season is upon us I am writing to remind the campus community of this policy. During the heating season (generally November through April) the temperature set point range will be 69-71 degrees and during the cooling season (generally May through October) the temperature set point range will be 74-76 degrees.
Given that the heating and cooling systems in some of our buildings are aging and may be hard to regulate, particularly when renovations may have stretched their original design capacity, the college has implemented a policy on the use of space heaters. That policy is available on the Office of Facilities web page at and you are strongly encouraged to review this policy. Both the set point and space heater policies have been reviewed and are supported by the College's Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP).
Saving energy and conserving our natural resources is a collective effort that needs the support of all members of our College community. Please join in supporting these measures so that the portion of the College's financial resources that are consumed by utilities can be minimized; and the savings invested directly into the College's educational mission.
If you have any questions about these policies please contact Rick Couture, Associate Vice-President for Facilities.