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Free Buses to Cortaca

Contributed by Lynne Pierce on 11/05/06 

The 2008 Class Council is organizing two buses (funded in full by SGA) to provide up to 100 students with a safe and sober ride to the Cortaca Jug game in Cortland on November 11th.

Spaces will be available to all students with a valid Ithaca ID and a purchased Cortaca Jug ticket on a first-come, first serve basis. Please bring your ID and game ticket with you when you sign up. Students may sign up for a spot on the bus as follows:

Nov. 6th 10 am – 2 pm in the North Foyer
Nov. 7th 10 am – 2 pm in the North Foyer
Nov. 8th 10 am – 2 pm in the Campus Center Lobby
Nov. 9th 10 am – 2 pm in the North Foyer
(or until buses are filled)

Students who sign up to take this free ride, must sign all the appropriate waivers, and agree to abide by the rules. They will meet at the Circles Community Center at 9:30 am on the 11th (free coffee, cider and donuts will be provided). Those who ride will be issued a wrist band, which will allow for easier access to the buses once the game is done.

For information contact the 2008 Class Council at or call 607-275-1920.

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