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The large number of students accessing testing accommodations during finals week necessitates careful planning to ensure adequate space, proctors, readers, scribes, etc.

The process for signing up for final exams is different from the rest of the semester. This is a condensed version of the email sent to faculty via the Dean's Offices.
Faculty can assist office staff by observing the following procedures:
1. You will receive an envelope for each exam. Please do not remove the contact information sheet; place the exam in the already prepared envelope.
2. Deliver exams a minimum of one day before the test is to be administered. If this is not possible, please call the office (41257) to indicate when the test will be delivered. Due to the number of tests taking place during finals, most exams are administered in locations outside our office and we need to have them delivered to the test site well before the exam seating.
3. Do not send tests via intracampus mail as the exam may not arrive in time and this is not a secure method of delivery.
4. When it is necessary to fax or email an exam, please call the office (41257) to ensure that office staff has received the exam. When emailing, please send the exam as an attachment to to preserve proper formatting.
Please refer to your email for additional information on final exam procedures. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the office staff.

Clarification of Exam Procedures for Students with Disabilities | 0 Comments |
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