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Free MP3!!!

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 01/25/07 

What better way to start the semester than with obtaining your own free MP3??? This MP3 won't play music, but it will provide you with MegaPizza,3 varieties...all for free! The Catholic Community invites you to join us for a pizza party on Thursday, February 1 at 8 pm in the Phillips Room at the Chapel.

Now that the spring semester is underway, we want to introduce you to some great new projects that the Catholic Community will be undertaking. Combining community service and service to God, we have some great ways for you to show the Ithaca community how much you care! Please join us for a fun night to relax over pizza and discuss the things that YOU feel would be most rewarding to do this semester. See you there!

Free MP3!!! | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Free MP3!!! Comment from zdownes1 on 01/29/07
it seems as though now even the catholic community is resorting to misleading advertising trickery. i mean, i know they're desparate and all, but come on...
Free advice Comment from pfusco1 on 01/31/07
Hey Catholic dudes/dudettes:

Pray to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. It appears y'all have lost the ability to advertise effectively.

I mean, he's located my keys a bunch of times, so what's the harm in trying?