There is a new Thursday noontime A.A.meeting on campus that spreads the hope of recovery, and supports those who are struggling with sobriety.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary fellowship of men and women of all ages who meet together to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
The IC "Friends of Bill W" meeting is a closed discussion meeting (open to those with a desire to stop drinking or maintain abstinence).
USUALLY, the meeting takes place in the Seminar Room of the Campus Center. HOWEVER - due to space problems, this week (Feb 8th) the meeting will take place in the North Meeting Room; next week, (Feb 15th) it will take place in Friends 207.
If you would like to attend an open meeting, please check the following Ithaca area listing:
Questions? Contact Priscilla Quirk,
AA Meeting Community Liaison - 274-3136