Organizer? Activist? Feminist? Student? Leader?
Thursday March 8th:
Hear two of the decade's most influential women writers, Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards, speak about their books,
student and grassroots organization, and the place of equality in twenty first century activism.
Interested in becoming more involved, or reigniting the passion which made you involved in the first place?
Interested in the face of feminism in today's world?
Interested in writing, in politics, in being a leader?
You won't want to miss this campus-wide event.
Thursday March 8th
Clark Lounge 7pm
Get Organized, Get Empowered
Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards on Activism/Equality/Empowerment
Co-authors of:
"Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future"
"Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activist"
"Recipe-tested: An Idea Bank for Everyday Activism" (in-progress)
Talk-back with the authors and a book-signing will follow immediately after the presentation.
Sponsored by: I.C. Feminists, SGA, ResLife, SAB, ICES, Amnesty International, Tri-Fund, Politics Dept., Ithaca Fund, Health Promotions, Sociology Dept., History Dept., and RHA.