A sure sign of spring, wee little squirrels are darting to and fro across campus looking for good things to eat. Realizing that the famous chocolate basket would put them over the edge, we have just added a beautiful handmade squirrel feeder to our auction loot! Prefer birds to squirrels? Wait until you see the gorgeous handmade birdhouses we have just received! The long list of auction items gets better and better!
Two weeks from today you will either be gloating over your wonderful purchases or be sobbing uncontrollably as you watch your former best friend stroll off with all the things you wanted. Don't just sit down and give in -- fight for those items! Now is the time to start preparing for the auction. Here are a few exercises to help you out:
*Start lifting your right arm up and down in rapid succession to build up your bidding arm strength.
*Stand in the middle of the room and spin around quickly, keeping track of all the items you see. This will improve your skills in keeping tabs on the items you have bid on in the Silent Auction.
*Practice a few key lines in front of a mirror: "Wasn't that Paris Hilton who just walked in?". That will give you some diversionary tactics to use when distracting other bidders from the items you are bidding on.
*Lift a few cinderblocks to prepare you for the money you will win in our 50/50 raffle.
*Go online and check your finances at your local bank. If you don't have enough capital, now is the time to look for spare change and returnable bottles and to look demurely at your friends as you suggest the gift of money for your birthday.
These are just a few suggestions to make sure that your auction day will be a success. Don't forget -- March 28, Clark Lounge: be there or be square! Silent auction will go until noon, and live auction from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Sam and Duane, our world champions of auctioneering, will be on hand to manage your money for you. Go for it!