It's time once again for IC Feminist's annual Red Tent: Alternative Menstrual Fair open house!
Tuesday March 27th from 7-9pm in the McDonald Lounge.
Every year we hold this awesome event to spread information about alternative menstrual products.
Wait, you say, alternative WHAT?
There are other options besides pads & tampons??
There are options that are much better for your body AND the environment. The detriments of bleached tampons and pads aren't well known, and alternative options usually aren't sold in the local grocery store. So it's up to women to pass on this valuable information to one another. These products are healthier, and cheaper in the long run!
The Red Tent is a time to learn, to share and enjoy. There will be free give-aways of organic cotton pads & tampons, a GladRag and even a DivaCup! Also, free strawberries & chocolate!
This is an open house, so feel free to just stop in for a few minutes orstay and chat for an hour; stay as long as you like.
Tuesday March 27th from 7-9pm in the McDonald Lounge.
See you there!