Best-selling young-adult fantasy author Tamora Pierce will be appearing on campus on Monday, April 30, to read from her latest published work, followed by a Q&A session and book-signing. The event, hosted by the IC Writers’ Workshop, will be in Textor 102 from 5:00 p.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m.
Pierce has been publishing books since 1983, and now has 24 books in print and an original audio book pending. She has written radio plays and published several short stories in magazines and anthologies. She served as editor for the Young Warriors: Stories of Strength anthology, in which one of her own stories, "Student of Ostriches," appears. Most recently, Pierce and her husband have been working with Marvel Comics on White Tiger. The fifth issue will be released on April 11; the sixth and final issue will be published June 6.
If you are interested in meeting her in person, there is a lunch event planned for 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Attendees must pay for their own food, and space is limited. If you would like to request a place, or if you have questions, please email Julie Holderman at
If you're in the Science Fiction and Fantasy writing class that she's talking to in the morning, please leave the lunch spaces for others who might be interested. Thanks!
The IC Writers’ Workshop meets Mondays at 8:00 in Williams 314.