Due to a conflict with the employee recognition session, an additonal open session has been added for the first Provost/VPAA candidate (only). This session, Tuesday, April 17th from 4-4:50pm in the Job Hall Board Room, is open to all faculty, staff, and students.
As a reminder, please note the complete information as previously announced. The search committee for the provost and vice president for academic affairs is pleased to announce that three candidates will be on campus for interviews over the next several weeks. The interview schedule for each candidate will include meetings with a cross section of the College community, including several open sessions, as noted. We encourage you all to be a part of this important search and to provide feedback to the committee.
Candidate materials will be available at each of the open sessions and can also be obtained in the Office of the President, 300 Job Hall, or by e-mail at tklinger@ithaca.edu.
David Gordon (April 16-17)
Associate Provost for Personnel and Diversity, SUNY Geneseo
Open Session for STUDENTS – April 16th from 12:10pm-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
Open Session for FACULTY – April 16th from 4:15 pm-5:30 pm, Clark Lounge
Open Session for FACULTY, STAFF, and STUDENTS – April 17th from 12:10 pm -1:00 pm, Clark Lounge
Open Session for FACULTY, STAFF, and STUDENTS – April 17th from 4:00 pm -4:50 pm, Job Hall Board Room
Kathleen Rountree (April 23-24)
Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, UNC at Greensboro
Open Session for STUDENTS – April 23rd from 12:10pm-1:00pm, Klingenstein Lounge
Open Session for FACULTY – April 23rd from 4:15 pm-5:30 pm, North Meeting Room
Open Session for FACULTY, STAFF, and STUDENTS – April 24th from 12:10 pm-1:00 pm, North Meeting Room
Mark Gromko (April 30-May 1)
Interim Provost and VP for Academic Affairs, Bowling Green State University
Open Session for STUDENTS – April 30th from 12:10 pm-1:00 pm, Klingenstein Lounge
Open Session for FACULTY - April 30th from 4:15 pm-5:30 pm, North Meeting Room
Open Session for FACULTY, STAFF, and STUDENTS – May 1st from 12:10 pm-1:00 pm, Clark Lounge