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The search committee for the provost and vice president for academic affairs would like to encourage members of the IC community to attend open sessions, as previously announced, for each of the three candidates for this position. Your feedback for the committee is appreciated. Please note, all evaluations forms need to be returned as indicated by May 2nd for full consideration by the committee.

Candidate materials will be available at each of the open sessions and can also be obtained in the Office of the President, 300 Job Hall, or by e-mail at

The next candidate, Mark Gromko, will be on campus April 30-May 1, 2007.

Mark Gromko
Interim Provost/VPAA, Bowling Green State University

Open Session for STUDENTS – April 30th from 12:10pm-1:00 pm, Klingenstein Lounge

Open Session for FACULTY – April 30th from 4:15 pm-5:30 pm, North Meeting Room

Open Session for FACULTY, STAFF, and STUDENTS – May 1st from 12:10 pm -1:00 pm, Clark Lounge

Provost/VPAA - Open Sessions for Mark Gromko | 0 Comments |
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