As fiscal year end rapidly approaches we wanted to take this opportunity to clarify some travel policies and inform you all of a new policy that will be starting on June 1.
The full text of the travel policy is available at
1. Per accounting rules, the cost of travel needs to be charged in the fiscal year that the trip occurs, NOT when the expenses are paid. If you have current charges that are for 07/08 travel, please e-mail with details and those will be moved to the proper year.
2. As of June 1, travel reimbursements made to employees by CHECK will be printed once per month, on or near the 30th. Those employees who have signed up for reimbursement by EFT through Accounts Payable (direct deposit into an employee’s account) will continue to have these payments processed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You can sign up for EFT at
3. For INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL please contact Tami Hastings at least 8 weeks ahead of time in order to determine the best way to handle the cash needs of the trip. This is especially important if it involves travel with a student group! These arrangements can not be made at the last minute as the College will not allow a traveler to take a large amount of cash with them.
4. Reimbursement for personal use of a car for business is calculated at the current IRS rate. This reimbursement can not exceed the cost of a round trip coach air ticket to the same destination. The traveler will not be reimbursed for gasoline in addition to the rate calculated using the IRS rate. Some schools and departments have additional policies related to this.
Please address any additional questions regarding travel to Tami Hastings at