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There are 150 classrooms all equipped with a computer, projector, DVD/VHS, remote control, screen and laptop harness. Take advantage of eClassroom training during the week of August 20-24 to familiarize yourself with the equipment before you need to use it for your class.

Call Information Technology Services at 274-1000 to make a reservation for eClassroom training (plan for 30 minutes). The following locations and times are available Monday-Friday the week of 8/20:

Textor 102 12 PM - 2 PM
Friends 205 9 AM - 5 PM
Friends 201 9 AM - 5 PM
CHS 202 9 AM - 5 PM
CNS 117 9 AM - 5 PM

You can also stop by Center for Educational Technology, Muller 104 to make a reservation. For more information about eClassrooms visit

Are You eClassy? eClassroom Training Sessions | 0 Comments |
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