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Our very first "Green" Thumbs-Up recognition is given to Information Technology Services for specifying EPEAT™ compliant computers for the Technology Renewal Program. ITS has been targeting "greener" systems for some time, but thanks to recent product changes by both Dell and Apple, all "standard" office and lab desktop systems and laptops now meet stringent EPEAT™ environmental standards.

The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT™), developed by the Green Electronics Council (GEC), helps purchasers evaluate desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based upon their environmental attributes. The EPEAT™ program, partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, evaluates computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51 environmental criteria. All EPEAT™ registered products must meet 23 mandatory environmental criteria, including being EnergyStar™ rated. An additional 28 optional criteria are used to determine whether products earn EPEAT™ Bronze, Silver, or Gold recognition.

EPEAT™-registered products are high-performance business class computers that cost no more than conventional products. However, compared to traditional computer equipment, all EPEAT™-registered computers have reduced levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury to better protect human health and the environment. They are more energy efficient, which reduces emissions of global warming greenhouse gases, and are also easier to upgrade and recycle. Manufacturers must offer institutional purchasers safe and cost effective recycling options for EPEAT™-registered products.

According to Irene Scott, coordinator for desktop technology acquisitions, the new Apple Macintosh desktop and laptop "standard" systems specified for department purchases and for our Technology Renewal Program this fall achieve EPEAT™ Silver rating; these include the MacPro, iMac, and MacBook Pro. The two specified Dell systems, the Optiplex 745 MT EnergySmart desktop configuration and the Latitude D630 laptop, achieve the highest EPEAT™ Gold rating, meaning these products meet all required criteria plus at least 75% of the optional criteria that apply to the product type being registered.

"Green" Thumbs-Up recognition will periodically be given by the Sustainability Initiative at Ithaca to members of our campus community and in the local area who:
(a) have made more sustainable decisions that significantly benefit us all; or who
(b) relate a "success story" that serves to inspire others; or who
(c) offer examples that demonstrate "a better way forward" for others in our community to replicate or even surpass!

Do you believe you deserve to get a "Green" Thumbs-Up? Tell us your story!

Email: Marian Brown at or call me at 607-274-3787.

For more information about EPEAT™:

For more information about the Green Electronics Council:

For more information about Ithaca’s Technology Renewal Program:

For more information about Exploring Positive Growth: The Sustainability Initiative at Ithaca College:

"Green" Thumbs-Up for Information Technology Services for Specifying EPEAT™ Computers | 0 Comments |
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