Students interested in IC's Vocal Jazz Ensemble should meet with the instructor in the Beeler rehearsal room in the Whalen Center from 6--7:50 PM on Wednesday, August 29.
During the meeting, students will be given general information about the group, participate in some group singing activities, and set up an appointment for an individual audition to be held on Thursday or Friday.
Vocal Jazz Ensemble meets Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6--7:50 PM.
The group consists of a small, select jazz choir accompanied by a rhythm section. The group performs several concerts on and off-campus each year.
Rhythm section auditions for the group will be held separately on Thursday, August 30. Instrumentalists should look for more information outside of Steve Brown's office (Whalen 3202).
Vocal Jazz Ensemble is open to all students regardless of major. Credit is available for participation or the course may be audited.