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The Counseling Center staff wants every IC student to know a counseling center exists, where it exists and the services it offers.

Therefore, you are invited to stop in and enter a free raffle for prizes. This year, the Bookstore has again supported the campaign. Some of the items to be given away are on display in one of the Campus Center display cases. And yes, one of the prizes is an iPod shuffle!

The Counseling Center is located on the lower level of Hammond Health Center; our entrance faces the adjacent parking lot. Two of the services offered are individual and group counseling. The Counseling Center is also an available resource to consult about how to help another student.

Take advantage of the resources available to you. There is no additional cost for Counseling Center services.

When you stop in, don't forget to pick up a Frequently Asked Questions flier, and don't forget to check out our website:

iPod Shuffle and the "Where's the Counseling Center?" Campaign Free Raffle | 0 Comments |
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